Mom/ Mary shared a group of beautiful photos she had taken. The last one made her think Robin was telling Dax Happy Birthday! See the orb in the middle! Below is her account of how Robin was speaking to them both!
I was checking my email and had been on the computer for a while and all of sudden Yahoo Messenger pops up ...but its from Robin saying Robin's available ...I jump back in shock ...and i ask her how can she be available ? ...i grab-ed my phone and ran outside and my friend Edie ...i was just boo hooing and couldn't speak ...then i calmed down and i was ok enough to call Dax ...
It started sat night with the orb ...then yahoo messenger ... and when I took my exit I was escorted by a blue mustang ( just like Robin's ) all the way til the street before yours...all I know is Robin really wanted to say Happy Birthday to her brother ...that's why I gave him the birthday pic she drew when she was like 7 yrs old ...
I so miss her but she's with us all ...all the time ...
I love you ...Mary
Very cool stuff. She'll be around as long as we watch for her. I know I'll never stop. Love you Beth. Love you Mom.